Dating a drunk man

Dating > Dating a drunk man

Drunk Dting Talking Advice Reader Question I've been in and out of a six year relationship, mam things have never been official. A few weeks ago, he called me drunk while also on a few lines of coke and poured his heart out to me for about four hours. We talked everyday and hung out. He just seemed to really want to make things work with us, even more so than in the past. A few nights ago, while he was getting ready to go back to school, I decided to make sure I knew where we stood. I asked him if I could trust him around other girls when he was away. He said he couldn't promise me anything and that we don't have any commitment to each other. I asked him about what he had said a few weeks ago during his drunk dial to me, he blamed it on him being drunk, and that he barely remembers any of what he said.

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